lorraine vu interloper

lorraine curran-vu interloper Here you are again. All too familiar to me Not on cat‘s paws, But rather on lion‘s claws Digging into me, not letting go. No invitation You just come bounding in You lurk around You hang around You threaten You take over And over And over...

kate paine Lock(s)down

kate paine lock(s)down The first curl floats down into the sink like a letter C, closely followed by the second, which comes to rest next to it, so that the two of them form a perfect circle. The third and fourth tangle with each other on their way down like fighters...

zach murphy untitled#19

zach murphy untitled #19 We chopped off each other’s hair during quarantine. And when we looked into the mirror, we felt like everything might be alright in the end. © Zach Murphy Zach Murphy is a Hawaii-born writer with a background in cinema. His stories have...

meredith wadley silent streets

meredith wadley silent streets The villages, streets, and apartment blocks are missing our elderly, children, and pets, the bones of cats and dogs and fish thrown out along with cages, aquariums, and the soles and laces of shoes, their leathers boiled for bitter...

laurie theurer the light at the end of the tunnel

laurie theurer the light at the end of the tunnel Claire leaned forward to peer out the kitchen window, the coolness of the granite countertop pressing through her cotton robe. Martin was still out there, standing stock still in the rain, staring up at the neat rows...