eleanor close kraft

lament, for ishmael

Call me what you will.
The truth is.

Haven’t you, too,
felt a visceral rush
as the last sand races down the narrow
of the hourglass?

Time’s up.

Witness the warm-blooded
sacrifice laid out
at humanity’s feet.

O how we praise the whales’ song!

Call and response,
we cry out at their plight,
this ponderous revolt,

Perplexed by the beachings
we hope for a cetacean source,
for anything
but precisely the inevitable,
plastic tonnage within.

Breathing heavily
we spread the sea-soaked blankets
out across the sand
to dry.

an altruistic sadness

Meanwhile millions
of miniscule plastic fibers
fill the linings of our own

Note from the author: Moby Dick remains at the top of my most-loved books. With a steadfast, delusional presumption of our dominance over nature, humankind relentlessly pursues great white whales while the outcasts, no matter how lucid, are helpless bystanders. Yet lately, I have been deeply moved by and grateful to witness the triumph of nature’s speed and purity. Vivid colors, high fidelity birdsong, soft sunsets. I hope this new clarity will lead to a grand push for environmental protection.

© Eleanor Close Kraft

Writer who gets design. Designer who gets to write. Born in the USA, in Switzerland since 1994. A strategic thinker with a poetic touch, I work with creative professionals and top management to create sustainable brand messages. Now more than ever, it’s time to get the writing right. Close Kraft: EN concept, copy, communication.
